About the organiser

Yo! this is my blurb, and also a bit of an insight into what I'm upto at the moment.

I'm Timmy. I live in the UK, and I've been skating for 7 years. I've been involving myself more with the scene every year (Check out my history of events down below). I feel I'm pretty dedicated to longboarding, and have now decided to push towards starting my own company - DAS Industries - to provide a respectable front end for running events, creating products and generally putting back into a scene that continues to drive and inspire me.

DAS Industries is now a registered company and will be run as a not-for-profit venture primarily by myself, with help from whoever wants to chip in some time here or there. It's done like this because it's waaay easier to set up a company than a charity, and the rules are much more lenient on how I spend the capital it earns.

I have sat in my googledocs a whole pile of company-related bumf, but all you need to know is that you and I should probably both be skating right now and not sat in front of our respective computers!



Previous notable events
Hogtoberfest, October 2011
My first and previous official event's blog, Hogtoberfest , reached 5000 hits and currently sits in the top three google search results. Attendance at the event was approx. 150 participants, which is one of the highest turnouts for similar events at the same venue.

Hogtoberfest facebook event

Isle of Wight Charity skate, September 2010
3 day skate round the Island for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance. Featured on local radio, local paper (Southampton echo). We raised just over £1000

Previous outlaw events
Southampton Outlaw races, August 2010, August 2011

Unofficial races on Southampton common. The 2011 outlaw saw almost 40 people racing 2-down. The event also had a BBQ and a few small prizes. Being an outlaw, the conditions were no fee to race, and everything is in good fun. There were going to be "boardercross" elements, but based on rider skill and the large numbers of general public on the common that day they were not used due to safety concerns.
2011 pics 
2010 pics

6-3-1 series, Autumn 2009
 A comp series between three crews, with each crew hosting a slide comp and a race. A small but successful series of events. Longboard sessions account of it here

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