21 Apr 2012

Extra details!

Here's some stuff relating to finding your way on the day:


And for those of you who want to have a copy of the event poster, here it is. Clicky the image for a bigger .png, which should scale without too much quality loss to an a3 if anyone's feeling adventurous!

17 Apr 2012

Sponsor: Skateboard Express

Jonny at Skateboard express got in contact with me a little while ago about sorting out some prizes for us, and my mornings are now spent waiting for the postman!
Go check their UK store out - click the logo!

Skateboard Express and Vault Skate are teaming up to send us a pile of gear for prizes, and I'm looking forward to see what goodies they're sending. Their website has a large range of good value boards, gloves and wheels, so go check 'em out.

4 Apr 2012

Partner info - Sporting View

At the top of our hill is a pub called the Sporting view, and the guys running the joint will be open for the event to provide snacks, hot food, cold drinks (beer if you so wish) and even a BBQ if the weather is good! Tasty stuff!

Link to their Google

29 Mar 2012

Sponsor profile - Newton's shred

Newton's shred burst onto the scene a while back now, but haven't relented in their quest to provide rad gear at good prices (see for yourself at http://www.newtons-shred.co.uk/ ).

They continue to help the scene by flowing prizes to events and turning up to stuff and shredding. Although the guys may not make it to Stylejam in person, some prizes definitely will  - They're providing a Kebbek Rockin' Rookie, and a set each of trucks and wheels. Slamming! 

Here's a pic of the deck, details on the wheels and trucks as and when!

19 Mar 2012

Date change and signup open!

How do folks,

Firstly, the date is now the 22nd April, due to a huge booking the guys at Active Nation couldn't turn down. The event will stay the same, it'll be a week later than originally planned. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it was this or potentially cancel the event. I hope you cal all work with the new date, apart from those of you gong to Houyet for the freeride (have fun!)

Secondly, Signup's open! Head to the Registration Tab and check it out. If you have any questions please email me at das.industries.uk@gmail.com

Looking forward to all the debugging issues in the first day or so of this. Fun fun fun!

Thirdly, tell yer mates and suchlike.

17 Feb 2012

Here's a video Dan whipped up of the hill and the triple tennis courts. Bangtidy.

StyleJam from Daniel Shinnie on Vimeo.

2 Feb 2012

See link, follow link

I made a facebook event. Woop!
Incidentally you can find it here - THE LINK - or keep up to date with the blog by email subscribing or normal subscribing on the right somewhere  ->

Also do people want a mobile version of this considering the blog is formatted for a PC screen? Please leave a comment :)

Tell your friends!

Southampton Stylejam 2012 is go!

There's still loads of behind the scenes stuff for me to try to sort out, but put this date & location in your Diary:

Sunday 15th April
Southampton Sports centre

Stylejam will be a longboard jam with a difference - flatland and sliding at the same venue.
We have a steepish controlled access road (that's ace for sliding) that leads down to some neat flat tennis courts (which are perfect for flatland), and it'll be all closed off and suitably hazard taped for your skating pleasure. More details to come as and when stuff lands!

Watch this space!

23 Jan 2012

Blogsite reaches Beta

This whole thing is gearing up to launch soon , but expect some changes over the next few weeks or so as I add in extra info and stuff comes together.

Basically this is a slide and flatland jam in Southampton. We've got use of some neat smooth tennis courts  (3 courts big) for flatland, and the steep access road into the sports centre we get to use to bust some skids. if people want competition then I have some fun-style formats to deploy.

There'll be an online payment kinda thingy, a bit/lot like the one for Hog Hill, as the event will have to be a pay to attend. It is however a closed road event, next to a pub, and we are in talks about a PA system, and all sorts of other gubbins. If enough of you pay up before the weekend i'll try to get some swag together as well.

As with most/all the things I do, profits stay in the scene. If this event is rad and it ends up earning more than I spent then there'll be more scope for more madness later on in the year.

So there we go! Also, many thanks to Ben Williams for sorting us a logo, and Kuler for picking some decent colours from it for a colour scheme until I can spend some time making it look arty and stuff.

Keep Skating!


15 Jan 2012

The beginnings of something big

Hey to all of those who find this link, I've noticed there's already been a number of hits from the US.

Southampton Stylejam 2012 is a UK longboard event covering the disciplines of sliding and flatland/dancing in a single event at a venue capable of catering for both.

The event itself will happen in April, and I am currently prepping branding, insurance, the website, online signup and all the other bits and bobs that go with planning an event.

One of the major tasks I have ahead is to find some sponsors. If you've found this and are interested in sponsoring or want more info please get in contact via das.industries.uk@gmail.com or my personal email timpeters.eng@gmail.com

Thanks for reading, and watch this space!