
This is where the rules and signup lives. The event will be a pay-to-attend event, with the costs as follows;

Stylejam tickets for 22nd April, 10am through til it's dark!
£10 entry
£16 entry with a teeshirt
Free if you're just doing the "learn to skate" session

The cost is to cover to cover the venue hire, insurance, staff, etc! Any money left over means the next event will be that much bigger!

We will be doing on-the day signups, but you won't be guaranteed a teeshirt if you sign up on the day.

PLEASE sign up beforehand, even if you don't pay til the day - it helps us with organisation and stoke!

Aaaaaaaaand here's your paypal options if you're prepaying. This should take you through to the familiar paypal screen and allow you to purchase one or more tickets.

Entry options

If you prepay, please make sure you've registered as we need one registration per person. If you're paying for your mates, make sure they've filled the form aswell!. Teeshirts will be by preorder with your entry fee (there may be a few left on the day, but don't count on it!)

Thanks very much! Do a skate!



Here are the Terms and Conditions again, so you can't blame us when you get yelled at for being a sillyface!

Please check these - they are important cos you're agreeing to them. Below them is the confirm button. 

General stuff:
Southampton StyleJam 2012 will accept liability in respect of personal injury sustained by competitors or public, only where the same is proved and to the extent that is proved to be caused by negligence, wilful default or breach of statutory duty of the organisers.
 The organisers of Southampton StyleJam 2012, Active Nation and all other parties involved as sponsors or marshals are not responsible for any personal loss of anyone competing, partaking or spectating in/at this event.
The organisers of Southampton StyleJam 2012, Active Nation and all other parties involved as sponsors or marshals are not responsible for any loss or injury caused by dangerous/inappropriate actions of the general public towards participants or spectators at/during the event. It is the individual participant's duty to skate safely and behave sensibly during the day - those who do not may be asked to leave, especially if they are endangering the public or other riders.

 Standard skate stuff - "It's your own stupid fault!" style rules:
When Skating always wear at least the minimum required protection otherwise you will be asked to stop skating until you are wearing the correct gear.
Skate within your limits, consider other skaters and the public when considering your run.
Respect the public and the venue - we are very visible in this location. Keep swearing to a minimum and place litter in bins.
Respect and listen to the Marshals, the event manager, and employees of Active Nation as they are there for both your and the public's safety. If you feel their decision is unfair ask to speak to the event manager. Marshals, the event manager, and employees of Active Nation have the right (and may have to at some point) to temporarily stop skating for a number of reasons (categories of: unsafe track, injury, access requirement) In these instances you will not continue to skate and do as the marshal says. If you are asked to stop a dangerous, disruptive or otherwise detrimental action as judged by the event manager you may also be asked to leave/stop participating within the event and will not be entitled to your entry fee back.

 The event will run regardless of weather conditions (Pray for sun) but if the conditions are extremely bad on the day, the event manager may stop the event due to safety concerns. Due to the nature of the event and the costs, entrants are not entitled to a refund, although in this case the event organisers will consider providing some sort of reimbursement, because it's rubbish when stuff gets rained off.

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